WE Are The Change
After more than
500 years of
Western Colonialism
and White Supremacy,
much of humanity
has been abused,
and exploited.
At this point,
large-scale oppression
has become
a “normal” feature
of our human existence.
From polluting
Mother Earth
to distorting
humanity’s mindsets,
these five centuries
of Colonial and White Supremacist rule
have been destructive and wide-reaching.

when something
is this “normal,”
it becomes like air;
always there,
yet easily unnoticed.
If you want to “notice,” then this space is for you.
Welcome to WE The Sojourners:
A creative space
dedicated to the messy journey
of decolonizing
our lives,
and minds.
if WE don’t change
as a people,
humanity will not change
as a whole.

Everything WE do is intentional, including our word choice. The term "WE The Sojourners" is meant to reflect the complexity of what WE do, how WE approach the world and how much WE are ready for change. Learn more about what WE mean by "Sojourner"
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